Monstrous Appetites

Monstrous Appetites


Feed your appetite for genre fiction. Rediscover legendary tales. Indugle in your hidden fantasies. Disappear into your deepest fears and nightmares.

An ancient witch lives in a forest of death, longing for a morsel of life. A campire wonders how to save her cat. A mixed-race demon finds their true family. Return to ancient myths recounting war and tragedy. Descend into the heart of a haunted building. Be cautious of a future where your genes may cost you your life.

Monstrous Appetities aims to subvert and celebrate conventions of mythology, fantasy, horror and science fiction. These stories are rich in flavour and slimy to the touch, laying bare the otential for genre fiction to be a wellspring of literary experimentation.

This collection will challenge you, entrance you, romance you, and flip your stomach upside down. Pull up a seat, behold the smorgasbord set before you and eat your heart out.

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TITLE: Monstrous Appetites

SUBTITLE: New genre fiction to enthral and entrance

EDTIORS: Julian Daw, Taylah Hutchinson, Vince Ruston, Charlotte Waters

CONTRIBUTORS: Sylvie Allen, Chloe Brien, Julian Daw, Josie Dean, Marcie Di Bartolomeo, Mark Edwards, Rowan Heath, Lauren Hobday, Taylah Hutchinson, Jack Linke, Joe Nuttall, Persephopne Ranson, Vince Ruston, Sally Ryan, Juliette Salom, CJ Starc, Charlotte Waters


EXTENT: 112 pp